Clarity Grading

F and IF mean the diamond is Flawless or Internally Flawless when examined by a trained professional under 10 power magnification. Such diamonds are very rare and are costly. VVS1 and VVS2 stand for Very Very Slight inclusions. This means the professional found it very difficult to see minute inclusions under magnification.
VS1 and VS2 stand for Very Slight inclusions. VS1 is difficult for a professional to see with 10 power magnification. VS2 is easier to see, still under magnification. It is very unlikely that an observer will see VS inclusions with the naked eye.
SI1 and SI2 stand for Slightly Included. This means a professional easily saw inclusions with 10 power magnification, but may or may not be able to see them with the naked eye. Whether or not a diamond is “eye-clean” to an observer will be discussed in a moment.
I1, I2 and I3 stand for Included. These inclusions are easily seen with magnification and are also visible to the naked eye.
Clarity and Grading Standards
Is it Eye-Clean?
The most important question for many shoppers, especially on the internet, will be whether or not the diamond being considered is “eye-clean.” This is a useful term, but there is no official definition. Distance, lighting and human vision can all be different, so you should have clear expectations when asking this question. Our own definition of eye-clean:
No inclusions visible face-up at a distance of 8-10 inches in natural lighting to a person with 20/20 vision.
10 inches is the “distance of most distinct vision” as defined by the American Gem Society, so this is a logical standard and it gives us a working baseline for our customers. If a strong lab like AGS or GIA did the grading, it is likely that anything VS2 and above will be completely eye-clean. But every SI1 and SI2 diamond is different. Some have inclusions visible to some people and many others don’t. If eye-clean is important to you a clear definition between buyer and seller is critical (click for more information on Eye-Clean).
Side Inclusions
Clarity grades are assigned in the face-up view, not looking from the side or the bottom. An inclusion that is not visible from the top may be visible from the side, where there is more transparency.
Clarity and the influence of CUT
Inclusions are more difficult to see in well-cut diamonds because of maximized brilliance, dispersion, scintillation and contrast. This is another reason that cut is so important in a diamond.
Clarity and Durability
There are many types of inclusions and blemishes. It’s important to mention one in particular, known as a feather. A feather is a tiny fissure inside a diamond. In some circumstances it could pose a problem with durability.
Clarity and Sensitivity
As with color, clarity-perception varies among people. One person may see an inclusion that is completely invisible to another. Age and nearsightedness influence your perception, so it won’t be the same 10 years from now as it is today. It’s also a matter of personal preference. Some people insist on flawless diamonds. Other people just want the diamond to be eye-clean, and still others consider inclusions to be natural ‘birthmarks’ in the diamond which make them special.
Clarity and Settings
It is often possible to hide inclusions near the girdle with a prong while setting.
Clarity Enhancement
There is a process where a diamond is drilled to remove an inclusion, called ‘fracture filling.’ .
Clarity Summary
Clarity is quite simple. If you don’t want inclusions, a grade like VS or VVS will practically guarantee that you will never see one. If you want to find an eye-clean SI1 or SI2 diamond you will need to work with an expert you can trust to find one that meets your expectations.